The Button Raise Poker Bluff

Even bad players know that you’re supposed to raise with all sorts of hands from the button to try and steal the blinds, which is why this is one of the most common poker bluffs out there.

Of course, it’s hard to talk about complete bluffs when discussing a preflop situation, but if you’re raising with a hand that you shouldn’t, you’re essentially bluffing.

So if you notice a player who is opening any two cards, you can add way more hands in your 3-betting range and call medium strength holdings from the big blind.

If your opponent is playing way too wide in this spot, they will have a very hard time defending against your 3-bets.

On top of that, if you structure your calling range properly and have a lot of decent hands against their wide and weak range, you’ll have many opportunities to take down the pots.

So while the player on the button has a huge advantage of position, if you notice them playing way too aggressive, you can easily punish them for it.

Bluffing To See Where They’re At

Although you won’t find this type of bluff with competent pros, recreational players seem very fond of this move, making it one of the more common poker bluffs.

This type of bluff is usually marked by a fairly small sizing.

As a poker bluff, it’s not a very good one as it doesn’t price other players out, and it reopens the action for anyone who might have a strong hand and has decided to play it tricky.

This play usually isn’t too hard to sniff out as the player making it is often quite honest about it.

The whole bluff is designed to buy the pot in the event everybody else has whiffed completely and are happy to give up, or at least to see the next card with a hope to improve very cheaply.

So while you will not see this move from experienced players, you’ll often face such bets even in multiway pots from someone new to the game, so you should not be afraid to play back.

  1. The Instant-Bet Poker Bluff
    When you check to your opponent and they instantly fire a fairly sizable bet, you might be facing an instant-bet bluff.

This is a common poker bluff, especially among live or video poker players, and the idea behind it is to confuse the opponent and not give them time to think.

Of course, you can have as much time as you want because the speed with which they bet doesn’t dictate your action – but this play does work sometimes.

The instant-bet bluff can be quite effective against inexperienced players who’ll feel pressured into making a quick decision. They might respond by auto-folding their cards without taking the proper time to think about the hand.

So when you face such a bet from your opponent, always try to break down the entire hand to see if they can represent a very strong hand. 토토사이트 순위

More often then not, they are just trying to look intimidating, so you can pick a couple of extra pots based on that.

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