Head-first sliding will be banned in KBSA

Starting this year, head-first sliding will be banned in Korea Baseball Softball Association (KBSA)-organized U12-U15 national tournaments to prevent injuries to youth players.

The KBSA has decided to ban head-first sliding at first base and home plate in all U12-U15 national tournaments organized by the KBSA starting in the 2024 season to prevent youth injuries. However, exceptions will be made for returning to first base, and head-first sliding will be allowed at second and third base. Violators will be ruled out at the plate.

Head-first sliding is a sliding technique used to avoid being tagged by an animal and get into a rundown. It”s a common sliding technique, especially in close home games, because it”s easy to see and avoid the tag, and it allows you to get to first base without slowing down too much. However, the risk is that the hands and head go into the base first, which can lead to serious injuries if they collide with an animal.

That’s why the KBSA introduced this rule to prevent young players from making risky plays. After discussions between the KBSA and the KBO’s youth player protection task force, the final decision was made to ban head-first sliding. 토토사이트 A KBSA representative said, “We created this rule to prevent youth players from getting injured while practicing head-first sliding. Since it is a new regulation introduced this year, we will have to wait and see if it is actually effective in preventing injuries or has many negative aspects. After the implementation, we will synthesize the feedback from the field and make improvements.”

Officially, the ban on head-first sliding will only apply to national tournaments.

However, a KBSA official said, “The rule we introduced is for the national tournament. However, in the case of local qualifiers organized by city and provincial associations, they usually follow the KBSA national tournament rules, so I think it is safe to assume that it will naturally be extended to local qualifiers.”

Head-first sliding is a common play in home games. It is a play that often occurs in close home matches, and it can lead to confusion on the field as the referee’s decision can make the difference between scoring and losing. A KBSA official said, “Now, even at home, players must slide their legs first. Regardless of the situation or condition, if you slide head-first at home, you are out. It means that we will limit such things to prevent injuries.”

When asked if the ban on head-first sliding could be extended to high school games, a KBSA representative said, “The purpose of this rule is to prevent injuries to youth players who are too young. There are no plans to expand it to high school yet.”

The KBSA and KBO are working hard to expand baseball and develop youth players in preparation for a declining birthrate. 사설 토토사이트 It will be interesting to see if the ban on head-first sliding will prevent injuries and help develop young players.

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