Hwang’s sister-in-law, who is accused of posting a post exposing the private life of soccer player Hwang Ui-jo (31, Norwich City) and threatening him, was handed over to trial.On the 8th, the Seoul Central District Prosecutors’ Office’s Women and Children Crimes Investigation Department (Chief Prosecutor Jang Hye-young) announced that it had arrested and indicted Mr. Hwang’s sister-in-law, Mr. A, on charges of filming and distributing sexual assault using cameras, etc. under the Sexual Violence Punishment Act, and threatening retaliation under the Aggravated Punishment Act for Specific Crimes.Mr. A is accused of claiming to be Hwang’s ex-lover last June, sharing photos and videos of Hwang and women on social networking services (SNS), and claiming that Hwang had relationships with multiple women and caused them harm. .There is also a charge of threatening Mr. Hwang by sending him threatening messages starting in May, saying, “It will be fun when it gets released,” and “Please look forward to it.”

The police arrested and detained Mr. A, and forwarded the case to the prosecution on the 22nd of last month.The prosecution conducted a supplementary investigation, including investigating the people involved in the case and checking their cell phones, accounts, and call records, and confirmed that Mr. A distributed Hwang’s private video and threatened him by demanding that the complaint be withdrawn.The prosecution explained, “To prevent secondary damage, we do not disclose specific criminal charges,” and added, “We also requested the Seoul Digital Sex Crime Relief Support Center to delete the distributed video to prevent secondary damage.”In addition, he added, “We will do our best to maintain prosecution so that the punishment is commensurate with the crime,” and “We will respond strictly to digital sex crimes and do our best to protect and support victims.”Separately from this incident, Mr. Hwang is being investigated by the police on charges of illegally filming a sexual partner (filming using a camera, etc. under the Sexual Violence Punishment Act).Mr. Hwang claims that he filmed the video in agreement with the other party, but the victim claims that he never consented to the video filming.The Korea Football Association decided not to select Mr. Hwang as a member of the national soccer team until the 스포츠토토존 investigative agency comes to a clear conclusion.

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