Seo Kyung-duk, a professor at Sungshin Women’s University, said on Thursday that the official social media account of the Federation Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) World Cup in Japan recently posted an image of a Japanese aurora borealis, which was removed following a protest by users.”A promotional image for the FIFA Club World Cup, which will be held in Saudi Arabia from March 13 to 22, was posted on the account,” Seo said via social media.”The image was also updated to introduce Urawa Reds (Japan), who are participating as last year’s Asian Champions League winners,” he said, explaining that European player Shoya Nakajima was featured in the main image, and a Japanese newspaper was used in the background.
“Many Korean users protested in the comments and direct messages (DMs), and the image was removed and replaced with a different image.” “The flag has also been used by Japanese people as a symbol of abundance and childbirth,” Seo said, “but it also symbolizes Japan’s militarism and imperialism, as it was the flag that Japan flew when it invaded Asian countries in the past.””The use of the flag design by an international organization like FIFA reminds Asians of the horrors of Japan’s war crimes in the past,” he said. “At last year’s World Cup in Qatar, the Japanese supporters were immediately banned by FIFA for chanting the flag.””Through examples such as FIFA’s ban on cheering for the flag and the removal of the flag from official social media accounts, 스포츠토토존 we will continue to work to eliminate the flag design from future international sporting events.”